[Lender Lists & ERTI Smart-build] It's likely you have Automatic approval activated. When Automatic Approval is turned-on submitted requests are immediately sent to the first lender found when the system automatically smart-builds your lender list. You cannot manually edit the lender string when Automatic approval is checked-off. Login to another account with Automatic approval deactivated to submit your request or un-check Automatic approval within your account.
With Automatic approval deactivated the requests will first enter Awaiting Lenders (to ERTI smart-build the lender list - please don't edit requests at this stage!) and then are sent to Awaiting Approval. At the Awaiting Approval stage within your Request Manager, you are able to manually add, edit or delete lenders and then submit the request via "Approved - Send". If there are no lenders listed you will be able to see this at the Awaiting Approval stage.
Check the User Account Setup [PDF] document for information on how to edit your user account or contact us for assistance turning off Automatic approval. Locate your accounts under Staff Dashboard > User Admin tab > Edit User Accounts > Submit to see the entire user list. Click on the user account you'd like to edit then choose the ILL Staff - ILL Permissions link to display and edit the Automatic approval option.