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ILL Review
The ILL Review feature, added to our SHAREit sites at the end of 2018, allows ILL Staff to update staff or patron-created requests with new records or automatic ERTI Smart-build lender list re-builds. Previously requests needed to be manually edited or re-created to change the request details (eg Title, Publication etc) and the Lender List build needed to be manually updated. Check-out our video tutorial or How-To below on this feature for more information!
*NEW* March 30th, 2022: The option for libraries to send any requests created by guest patrons via the Blank Request form directly to ILL Review, rather than Awaiting Approval, for ILL Staff to update with a record and/or lenders. Under Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Participant Record > set "Send Blank ILL Request without Lender List To" field to "ILL Review".
- How-To Use the ILL Review Feature
- When should I assign a new record?
- When should I re-build the ERTI Smart-build Lender List?
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Watch a video on how to use the new ILL Review feature including tips. Updated for Illume (SHAREit V6)! [No sound] | Watch Video [9m:30s ; MP4] |
Warning: If you've already made manual updates to the request, attaching a new record may over-write record detail changes (eg. Title, Author, Publisher) or Lender List field changes. We recommend using this feature before you make additional request updates or when you wish to completely update the request record details. Using this feature should not change patron or notes fields.
How-To Use the ILL Review Feature:
- When logged in (may need Administrator access), locate the request you wish to modify and copy (Ctrl-C) or write down the request number. Then change the status of the request to "ILL Review" and click Submit to save your changes.
Note: The "ILL Status" option is available on Borrower requests not currently attached to a Lender (eg. Awaiting Approval, Cancelled, Expired, Retry & Unfilled).
- Once a request is in the Borrower > ILL Review category, you can search for a new record to attach using the Basic or Advanced search.
- Once you've located the Full Details of the new record you'd like to assign to the request, ILL Staff can click the "Modify Existing Request" link under Staff Options.
- Type or paste (Ctrl-V) the request number into the "Modify Existing Request" pop-up.
- Check-off the "Generate new Lender List" option if you wish the ERTI Smart-build to rebuild the lender list field again and click Submit to modify!
Warning: Requests will move to the "ILL Review Awaiting Lenders" category while rebuilding lenders. Please do not make changes to the request while it's located here, as this can interrupt the ERTI smart-build.
- The request may take 1-2 minutes to rebuild lenders and appear back in the Borrower "ILL Review" category where you can check-out the lender list rebuild (if triggered) and make any additional edits before changing the status of the request to "Approved - Send" to forward it to lenders.
Don't know if the re-build was triggered? Check your request History Information for the message: Notes: Status update by Modify ILL - Update Lenders requested which indicates the ERTI Smart-build was triggered.
When should I assign a new record?
Assign a new record when...
- Wrong Start Record: You can easily update all the record details (eg. Title, Author, Publisher) by using the ILL Review feature. Often with patron-initiated requesting, patrons may choose the wrong record (eg. DVD record when they wanted BOOK). Re-creating the request from scratch means your patron can no longer track the request online. Assigning a new record through ILL Review updates all the record details while still allowing your patrons to use the guest patron "Track ILL Requests" feature!
- Live Shelf Satus Mis-matches: Some requests encounter a lot of live shelf status mis-matches due to spelling or Title/Author variations related to different publication versions or cataloguing differences. ILL Review can also be used to assign a new "better" record to avoid mis-match errors! This can also be used if a Staff member accidentally chose an incorrect record to start, such as a UK publication instead of a US publication that most BC libraries may have instead.
- Blank Request Form: Use the ILL Review feature if a patron or staff member created a request using a Blank Request form, but there's an appropriate record available to assign instead. Assigning a better record to a blank request usually results in better live shelf status checks and allows you to automatically re-build the lender list (if desired).
When should I re-build the ERTI Smart-build Lender List?
Note: For newer requests or if you only need to make small changes to the Lender List build; we recommend you instead just manually update your Lender List field.
Build or re-build the ERTI Smart-build Lender List field when...
- Lender List Failures: Sometimes the record you initially selected fails to pull in all available lenders due to algorithm issues with the ERTI Smart-build. Attaching a different record using ILL Review may pull in more lenders! Note: Sending a request through ILL Review and choosing the same record again usually does not fix the lender list build unless it's an old request where the holdings have significantly changed.
- Old Requests: If you have a request that was created months ago and you'd like to refresh the ERTI Smart-build automatic lender list build; you can send the request to ILL Review and choose the same or a different record. Check-off the "Generate new lender List" option when using the Modify Existing Request button to automatically re-build your lender list.
- Blank Request Form: If a Staff member created a request using a Blank Request form you would normally have to manually build a lender list. With ILL Review, you can instead attach an appropriate record (if available) and use "Generate new lender List" to automatically re-build the lender list.
- How do I know if the lender list re-build was triggered? Check your request History Information for the message: Notes: Status update by Modify ILL - Update Lenders requested which indicates the ERTI Smart-build was re-done. If you see a blank Lender List field or no change then the ERTI smart-build likely failed to pull in lenders and we recommend you try a different record to attach.
Questions or issues with using ILL Review? Please contact us for additional assistance!