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Union Database Downloads

Within the website interface or via Z39.50 search, catalogue records can be downloaded as single records or as part of a record file from Illume. Illume can be a great resource for copy cataloguing of local British Columbia publications that may not be available elsewhere such as OCLC, WorldCat or LAC (Voilà).

Important Note: Only staff users, with cataloguing permissions assigned, are able to download records from available targets within Illume. Administrators can check-out our User Accounts Setup Tips [PDF] guide for additional information on updating staff account permissions.

To Download a single record from within the web interface:

  1. Login as an Illume Administrator or ILL Staff member with cataloguing permissions.
  2. Search for the record you would like to download.
  3. Under the Staff Functions menu choose the "Download Record" link to pop-up a .mrc version of the record.

  4. Click the Save File option to download a copy of the record to your computer.
  5. Open or import the record using any applicable MARC import function on your ILS!

To Download multiple records from within the web interface:

  1. Login as an Illume Administrator or ILL Staff member with cataloguing permissions.
  2. Search for each record you would like download.
  3. Under the Staff Functions menu choose the "Add to Download Cart" option to save to your download list for bulk download later.
  4. When you are ready to download all your records go to Staff Dashboard > Cat Admin > View Download Cart and select all the records you would like included in your file and click the Download button to pop-up a .mrc file with a compilation of the records.

  5. Click the Save File option to download the file of records to your computer.
  6. Open or import the record using any applicable MARC import function on your ILS!


Z39.50 Connection info for Illume:

Database Name: bcuc (BC Union Catalogue union database)

  • Target:
  • Port: 2010
  • Record Syntax: USmarc
  • Services: search, present, scan
  • Use Attributes Supported: 4, 7-9, 12, 21, 31, 50-51, 54, 1003, 1016, 1031, 1034
  • Holdings Tag: 852 $a=Library $h=Call Number

Database Name: bcus (ELN Serials Cat union database) - Retired April 2021!

  • Target:
  • Port: 2010
  • Record Syntax: USmarc
  • Services: search, present, scan
  • Use Attributes Supported: 4, 7-9, 12, 21, 31, 50-51, 54, 1003, 1016, 1031, 1034
  • Holdings Tag: 852 $a=Library $h=Call Number $3=Summary


Last Updated: Z39.50 connection details confirmed correct as of March 2021. Want more information on Z39.50 searching and attribute strings? Contact us for additional documentation.