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Example OpenILL Article Request Form

Illume (SHAREit) libraries can publish webforms (eg. on your ILL web page) that pass Bibliographic and/or Patron details into a blank Returnable (loan) or Non-returnable (copy) form.

Please Note: OpenILL web forms are currently only recommended for Non-returnable (copy) requests as they skip Lender Format Policies and Live Shelf Status checks in SHAREit. We have submitted an Enhancement request to the vendor requesting that blank request forms assigned a record via ILL Review NOT skip lending policies or availability checking.

Check-out the web form below for an example demo (sends patrons to our ELNN2 Test Library). The web form below only contains a few example fields and many additional fields are also available including Patron Name and Contact fields!

Additional information available, including example code and a list of all fields available, available here:

  1. Login to your Illume (SHAREit) site.
  2. Under  Staff Dashboard > Support > Release Notes & Bulletins > Product Information Bulletins
  3. Check-out the "A-G 010 Implementing OpenILL" PDF guide or contact us for assistance.

An example of the web form code below is also available for download [.txt].

Please note you will need to update the code to included your desired instructions, fields, and your local SHAREit code.

Journal Title:
Article Title:
Article Year (YYYY):
Article Volume:
Article Issue:
Article Pages:
Please note you will also need to add your patron information or login after clicking the request button below.