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Best Practices for SHAREit Academic Libraries are now available!

March 15, 2021

We are pleased to announce that along with the BC ELN Illume Benefits and Responsibilities, the Best Practices for SHAREit Academic Libraries* are now available on the Illume website:

The Illume Best Practices documentation, which includes links to related FAQs & Guides, is the next step in a larger process that began several years ago. At the 2019 All Partner Meeting, Post-secondary libraries agreed to eliminate ILL transaction fees for non-returnable items between BC ELN partner libraries on the understanding that certain conditions were met, one of which was to develop formalized expectations for the Illume service. A revised timeline of this process, along with a web page backgrounder, is available at Elimination of ILL Fees.

Other upcoming activities for this project include: Template for publishing ILL Policies online, developing an ILL Staff Education series, developing Best Practices for ISO (eg. Relais) participating libraries, and investigating additional software enhancements & optimizations.

For more information, please contact Illume Support or Anita Cocchia, BC ELN Executive Director at

*Please note that Best Practices for Public Libraries are covered by policies available from Public Libraries Branch instead.