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V6 Known Bugs or Issues
December 1, 2022
This page includes ongoing Known Issues/Bugs and Enhancement Requests for the SHAREit Version 6 (V6) software. If you are still encountering problems for one of the issues marked as Fixed Issues/Bugs below - please let us know!
Known Issues/Bugs:
- Forward Slashes in Request Titles: Some libraries have reported that requests created from all Union Database and some Z39.50 records have included forward slashes (/) at the end of each Title field. Auto-Graphics is investigating the issue as a defect and we hope they'll have a fix for the extra clutter soon. There should be no issues if Staff wish to update request titles to remove the slashes before approving.
- Pickup Locations: At libraries with Pickup Locations, patrons are currently able to submit a request without being forced to chose a Pickup Location. This field is normally mandatory and this issue with hopefully be resolved soon.
- Presuming Available Message: Libraries without live shelf checks activated may see a "availability for ILL is not defined - presuming available" message in their History Information -- this is just saying you don't have live shelf checks activated and can be safely ignored. As this message is confusing to libraries, Auto-Graphics will be removing it for all libraries not using live shelf checks in a future software update.
- ISSN and ISBN Display on Requests: Libraries may see both an ISSN and ISBN field on their request forms even though they normally should only see the appropriate number (eg. ISBN field on Book records/requests) attached. This is just a display issue and should not impact any requests you submit, but please let us know if you encounter any issues. Auto-Graphics is investigating and we hope they'll have this confusing display issue fixed soon.
- *FIXED December 9th, 2024* Blank Request Form & Blocked Lenders: Staff can normally bypass the Blocked Lenders list feature by creating a request using the Blank Request form and manually adding in your desired lender string for the blocked library (eg. "BVAU, 10, "). Currently there's a bug where a blocked lender code can only be added when a request is in Borrower > Awaiting Approval. To workaround this issue please temporarily add a "placeholder" lender string, for example ELNN2, 4, when initially creating your request. And then once the request is in Awaiting Approval you can update the Lender List field to the correct string before using "Approved - Send". Please Note: This work-around will not work if your account has the "Automatic Approval" permission and please contact us if you'd like assistance to temporarily delete a code from the Blocked Lenders list instead to approve a request to a fee-based library. Auto-Graphics is investigating the issue and we hope they'll have a fix soon.
- *FIXED October 28th, 2024* Internal Staff Notes: If information is added to the Internal Staff Note field when the request is initially created (during initial submission), it is currently being cleared when the request goes through the ERTI smart-build and the lender list is built. Auto-Graphics has investigated the issue and will have a fix in our next software update. In the meantime, we recommend Staff use a different field for internal notes when creating a request and transfer notes to the "Internal Staff Notes" field after a request has arrived in Awaiting Approval.
- *IMPROVED October 28th, 2024* Live Shelf Check Errors: Some Live Shelf Status libraries are reporting an increase in availability check errors, where they receive a request in their Lender > Pending for an item that is Unavailable (eg. Checked Out or On Hold) that would normally be deflected by the live availability check. This issue appears to be sporadic and currently unpredictable with live shelf checks working correctly for the same request/item at one moment but a few minutes later the same live check fails.
- *FIXED October 28th, 2024* My Library Owns Pop-up and "Red House" Icons: Some libraries are reporting that the My Library Owns this item message is popping up during request creation even for records that they do not own or have holdings attached to. And the "red house" icon may also display on requests created by records you do not currently own. The issue has been reported to Auto-Graphics and we hope they will have a fix soon. Please let us know if your library is encountering this bug so we can add you to the open ticket. And impacted libraries can try to temporarily disable the pop-up when logged in as an Admin under Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Participant Record > Owned by My Library set the "Show Owned By This Library Notification Message" to "No" and click "Submit" and "OK" to save. Please contact us if your library continues to encounter this error.
- Chrome Browser PDF Viewer App Errors: Some libraries have reported issues viewing some PDFs, delivered via SHAREit Desktop Delivery, in the Chrome browser PDF viewer app. This is due to browsers such as Chrome and MS Edge not supporting commas in filenames. More information in our bug FAQ here <>. Auto-Graphics is exploring a long-term solution such as blocking staff from uploading filenames with commas in them. In the meantime, Lenders please attach files that without punctuation such as commas. And Borrowers please Right-Click and "Save Link As.." from the "Download" link in SHAREit instead of trying to view the PDF directly in your browser. Using an alternate browser, such as Firefox, that does not have an embedded PDF viewer and instead always downloads the PDF directly also appears to work successfully.
- Staff Accounts for Info/Circ/Ref Desks: Previously some libraries may have created Staff accounts for front-line circulation, reference or infodesk staff to create requests on behalf of patrons. With this update the option for Staff accounts to create requests has now been removed in order to address another bug/issue with Multi-Copy requesting. Auto-Graphics is working on adding this functionality back in for BCUC. But in the meantime, please contact us for assistance updating your InfoDesk Staff accounts with temporary ILL Admin Create request permissions as a workaround.
- Copy Disclaimer Notice: Logged in Staff are currently seeing the Copyright Disclaimer notice when creating Non-returnable (Copy) requests. This notice previously only displayed to Guests/Patrons. Auto-Graphics has investigated and is creating a new feature (Development Ticket #62996) to allow libraries to indicate if they want the Copyright disclaimer notice to display to Staff or not. We will update this page when we have more information on when this feature will be available.
- Scoping & Labelling: Currently the Scoping & Labelling feature of the software may not display categories corrrectly. This is a display issue only and we hope it will be resolved in the future. Auto-Graphics is exploring a fix for this issue that involves re-writing this feature.
Please let us know if you encounter any additional bugs or issues with the new software or have any questions!
Enhancement Requests:
- *Added June 22nd 2023* Internal Staff Notes: As of June 22nd, 2023, ILL Staff now have the option of an "Internal Staff Note" field available on their requests. The new Staff-only notes field allows up to 1,500 characters to be entered and is only visible to staff at the local library! This field is optional and needs to be added to the "Returnable (staff)" and/or "Non-Returnable (staff)" request forms if desired. Administrators can add this field under Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Configuration > Configure Request Forms. Please contact us for assistance updating your forms and using this new feature!
- Check-out our how-to video guide here for assistance updating your forms or contact us as we'd be happy to help you optimize your Staff & Patron forms!
- *Added December 1st 2022* Refresh or "Rebuild Lender List" feature: As of December 1st 2022, ILL Staff can now quickly & easily rebuild or "refresh" the current Lender List field generated by the automatic system ERTI Smart-build using the "Rebuild Lender List" button available on borrower requests not currently attached to any lender.
- *Added June 1st 2021* ERTI Smart-builds: As of June 1st, the ERTI smart-build lender list build process will include 008/23 (MARC 008, position 23) for better matching on certain formats to help resolve problems with requests for print materials including lender codes for eBook formats. Please contact us if your requests (including request #) continue to include lender codes for incorrect formats.
- *Enhancement Added April 21st, 2021* Your Lists: When in Your Lists, users will now be able to rename a list by clicking the “Edit” icon or the list name. If a list already exists with that name, you’ll see an error message stating that a duplicate name already exists, and you should use a different name.
- *Enhancement Added April 21st, 2021* Control Keys for Quick Links: Staff users will once again be able to use the keyboard to access items in their Quick Links menu! For example, press Ctrl+1 (or the number next to that item in your Quick Links menu), to access your Request Manager from your Staff Dashboard. CTRL+L can also be used to open the last accessed staff page from any other page.
- *Enhancement Added April 21st, 2021* Search Results: If a search term is misspelled but can be auto-corrected to a valid term, the results for the valid term will be displayed as “Showing results for [term]” rather than the zero results (no results found) message. Additionally, result numbers have been updated to display both the number of search results on that page as well as the total search results. For example when searching for "harry potter", results will display as "Page 3: Showing 1067 of 1590 results for "harry potter"" and hovering over the hyperlinked total search results also displays the Search Resources/Targets (eg. BC Union Catalogue) where results were found.
- *Enhancement Added April 21st, 2021* Search Results Display: Search results will now include format icons (eg. Large Print or DVD) in the List view, Brief Browse view, and the Full Record display. Please check-out our updated guide for examples. These icons will not display in Gallery view.
- *Enhancement Added 2021* Patron-initiated Interlibrary Requesting: Auto-Graphics made recent requested enhancements to PI-ILLs that were included in our last version update but not highlighted by the vendor. This includes the highly requested feature that Cancelled & Expired requests no longer count against Guest Request Limits! Additionally, the "For Patron: Why Request was not Filled " message now displays for patrons on the Patron Tracking screen.
- *Enhancement Approved for 2021* Desktop Delivery Improvements: Currently ILL Staff can't tell if a an attached document (eg. a PDF article) was viewed. BCUC members requested an indicator of whether or not an article had been viewed and how many times. This enhancement is expected in Spring/Sumer 2021.
- *Enhancement Approved for 2021* Undo Shipped and other statuses: Currently the "Undo Shipped" feature is limited in time and scope. BCUC members requested additional undo status options and increased time to apply the feature when fixing errors. This enhancement is expected by end of 2021.
- Availability on Brief Record Displays and List View: A new UX Admin option is available for availability status (off by default) on the "List" search results view and Brief Record display. The Availability option is currently currently undergoing testing for bugs/issues as it's not currently working as expected. We will announce to listservs and update our FAQ and Search Groupings & Results Views guide with further information when this feature is fully available.
- *Enhancement Approved for 2021* Undo Shipped Status: The "Undo Shipped" status update option appears missing from Lender > Shipped requests even when the permission has been added to the current account. Auto-Graphics has investigated the issue and found that the feature is working as intended. The Undo Shipped feature is only available on requests until midnight process of the same day the item was Shipped. We requested an Enhancment to improve this feature and it has been approved and expected to launch 2021.
- *NEW FEATURE May 27th, 2020* Patron Request Form "Request Type Options": Currently patrons cannot swap from the Returnable (loan) form to the Non-returnable (copy) form while on a union database record (eg. a Book record). Patrons can only swap while using the Blank Request form. Auto-Graphics has added the option to configure your forms so patrons can swap between Loan & Copy request type options. Check-out our new guide for more iinformation:
- *NEW FEATURE & FIXED May 27th, 2020* Multi-Copy Requests from Blank Forms: The Blank ILL form is currently not displaying the “Number of Copies Needed” field so staff cannot initiate multi-copy requests when using the Blank ILL form. Auto-Graphics has fixed this issue and also added a new setting to configure default number of copies for both your Blank & Multi Copy forms.
- *ENHANCEMENT November 5th, 2019* Batch Status Update: This software update includes one of our Enhancement requests to be able to batch update the status of requests. If your library has requests long languishing in "Returned" status please contact us for assistance updating them to Complete.
Please let us know if you encounter any issues with new features or enhancements or would like to request additional enhancements/improvements!
Fixed Issues/Bugs:
- *FIXED October 8th, 2024 evening* New ISO Lender Requests: Some ISO libraries are reporting issues with new Lender requests sent from SHAREit to Relais not being created successfully in Relais. Other ISO messages, including Lender Shipped and Borrower Create New appear to be working correctly from Relais to SHAREit. Auto-Graphics and the OCLC libraries are investigating and we hope the issue is resolved soon. In the meantime, if your library urgently needs to borrow an item from an ISO Target library please contact them directly if needed. Auto-Graphics was able to resolve the unexpected issue related to SFU server malware software accidentally blocking/queuing a variety of ISO messages with Relais libraries. Please let us know if your library continues to experience any issues!
- *FIXED September 26th, 2024* Non-Returnable (Copy) forms "Missing" Fields: Some post-secondary libraries have reported their Non-Returnable (Copy) forms may not display the "Article Title or Book Chapter", "Article Author(s)", "Article Information (Volume, Issue, Pages)", or "Article Date" fields on your custom forms even though those fields are activated in your configuration. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue and hopes to have those fields displaying again very soon on your Copy forms!
In the meantime, the fields are correctly displaying on your Blank Request Copy form which can be temporarily used as a work-around if you have any urgent Copy requests to create. The Lender List field can manually be created or Staff can use the Multi-Copy or ILL Review features to build the ERTI smart-build automatic Lender List codes. Please let us know if you'd like any assistance with the work-arounds or activating your Blank Request form.
Please Note: Academic libraries with Patron-initiated ILL requesting activated may also wish to temporarily suspend patrons from creating requests until the issues are resolved. Instructions are available in our Holiday List/Temporary Closures quick video guide or contact us for assistance. - *FIXED September 16th, 2024* Patron Notices: The Patron Notices for Cancelled and Retry/Unfilled (or any patron notice where there is not a lender attached to the request) are not currently working at this time. Auto-Graphics is working on this issue and will have a fix for our next software update.
- *FIXED July 12th, 2024* Awaiting Lenders: Some libraries are seeing "stuck" requests in the Borrower "Awaiting Lenders" category as of July 9th, 2024. Auto-Graphics is currently working on a fix that we hope will be applied soon. In the meantime, staff can manually move requests out of "Awaiting Lenders" and into "Awaiting Approval" using the "Add Lenderlist Mediated" status update. More information and tips in our FAQ here and please let us know if you have any questions:
- *FIXED July 9th, 2024* Patron Notices: Patron Notices are currently experiencing some issues due to unexpected changes related to the IP address that SHAREit uses to send email notifications. For libraries that previously authorized the <> IP address, we also recommend you now authorize the <> IP as well. Auto-Graphics and SFU IT have applied a variety of fixes to ensure that Patron Notices are all being sent from the recommended <> IP address. Please let us know if you continue to experience any issues.
- *FIXED July 10th, 2024* Staff Notices: Staff Notices are not being sent at this time due to a local customization from Auto-Graphics accidentally being over-written in our latest software update. Auto-Graphics is working on restoring our Staff Notices as soon as possible. In the meantime, for libraries with Patron-initiated interlibrary loan requesting activated we recommend ILL Staff check for new patron created requests daily as they may not be notified otherwise. And please let us know if you encounter any additional issues with other staff or patron notices not working correctly.
- *FIXED June 12th, 2024* My Library Owns Pop-up: Some libraries are reporting that the My Library Owns this item message is not popping up during request creation when a patron tries to request from a records has their holdings attached. The issue has been reported to Auto-Graphics and they will have a fix in our next June software update.
- *FIXED June 12th, 2024* Article Date Field Issues on Blank Request Form: If Patrons or Staff don't select a MONTH or DAY from the "Article Date" dropdowns in the Non-returnable (copy) Blank Request form, and only submit a YEAR (eg. 2024) -- the Article Date will display as "unknown" on the live request within your Request Manager. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix for this issue and it should be available in our next June software update.
- *FIXED April 9th, 2024* Lender Not Received/Overdue Requests Cannot be Updated: Requests that move to the Lender > Not Received/Overdue category when not received by the Borrower library, cannot currently be updated (eg. to status "Check In") by lenders. Auto-Graphics is investigating the issue and we'll update with more information soon. In the meantime, please contact the Borrower library to update the status of the request to Received & Returned on their end, and the "Check In" option should then display for lender ILL Staff. Or contact Illume Support for assistance checking in your requests!
- *FIXED April 9th, 2024* eFormats Displaying the Request Button for Guest Patrons: The "Request this Item" button is incorrectly displaying for libraries that have blocked Guest patrons from requesting eAudiobok, eBook, and/or eMusic formats within their Participant Record > Borrowing policy. Auto-Graphics is investigating the issue and hopes to have a solution soon. And please let us know if your request button is also displaying erroneously on other Formats you've blocked.
- *FIXED April 9th, 2024* Mobile "Get It" Button: When searching SHAREit on mobile, a "Get It" button erroneously displays on some search results for formats like eAudiobook records. This is only a display issue as the button does not allow patrons to request, unless the library also allows it in their Participant Record > Borrowing Policy. And the issue does not display when searching the desktop version of SHAREit. Auto-Graphics is investigating and we hope they'll have a fix soon for this display issue that may cause patron confusion.
- *FIXED March 3rd, 2024* Staff Notices for New Borrower Requests: Some libraries may not receive staff email notifications checked-off for the "NEW request" option under Staff Dashboard > Participant Record > Staff Notices > Borrower emails. Other Staff Notices, including Status Updates, appear to be working correctly. Auto-Graphics is investigating issues with this particular notice and hope to have an update soon. For libraries with Patron-initiated interlibrary loan requesting activated we recommend ILL Staff check for new patron created requests daily as they may not be notified otherwise. And please let us know if you encounter any additional issues with other staff or patron notices not working correctly.
- *FIXED February 29th, 2024* Graphical Reports: Some Statistics reports, such as Graphical reports may encounter run-time errors. Auto-Graphics is working with SFU IT to resolve these issues related to server permissions as soon as possible.
- *FIXED February 28th, 2024* Renewed by Lender Status and Borrower's or Staff Internal Notes: When the status of a request is at "Renewed by Lender", borrower libraries were unable to update their "Borrower's Notes" field or "Staff Internal Notes. They received an errror saying "RENEWED BY LENDER MISSING A NEW DUE DATE.". This will be corrected in our next software update.
- *FIXED September 27th, 2023* Patron "Create a Password" Field on Guest Patron Forms: At libraries with Guest Patron Requesting activated, the "Create a Password" field is currently displaying the patron password in plain text when they enter it. Previously the password displayed a string of asterisks (eg. ******) when the patron typed in their password -- as expected from any password field in an online form. We've let Auto-Graphics know this is an important feature for patron privacy and security. And Auto-Graphics has sent this bug to Development as a defect and we hope they'll have a fix very soon. If libraries would like to de-activate Guest Patron requesting until the issue is resolved, please contact us for assistance or check-out our quick Tempory Closures video [2m ; MP4] for information on how-to turn-off patron requesting.
- *FIXED July 18th, 2023* ILL Review: Some libraries have reported error messages when trying to use the ILL Review feature to "Modify Existing Request" with a new record and/or Lender List rebuild. Auto-Graphics has created a fix for this issue that will be applied in our next software update. In the meantime, staff may need to update the Bibliographic details and Lender List manually (Tip: Grab the live Lender List build from a Multi-Copy request to paste in) or re-create requests from the correct record. Please contact us if you'd like any assistance updating your requests.
- *FIXED July 18th, 2023* Pickup Locations: At libraries with Pickup Locations, patrons are currently able to submit a request without being forced to chose a Pickup Location. This field is normally mandatory and this issue with be resolved in our next software update.
- *FIXED July 18th, 2023* Zero Results Message Display - When a search doesn't return any results, the “Zero Results” message is not currently displaying. Auto-Graphics is working on this issue and expect to have a fix for our next software update. Once corrected, sites can update the message that displays when there are no results for a search under Staff Dashboard > UX Admin > Settings > Search and Results > Zero Results.
- *FIXED June 22nd, 2023* Availability Display for Z39.50 Records: The availability information (eg. number of copies) on some Z39.50 records was not displaying correctly. This has been fixed in the recent software update. Please contact us for assistance with any further issues.
- *FIXED February 28th, 2023* February 1st, 2023 -- Live Shelf Checks & Presuming Available: Some live shelf check libraries may be experiencing failures with the availability check after our recent software update. They may see the "Presuming available" message in the History Information and have to manually reject Unavailable requests instead. The software update on February 28th, 2023 appears to have resolved the issues but please continue to contact us if you encounter any errors with this feature.
- *FIXED February 28th, 2023* February 1st, 2023 -- Serial Record Format Issues: Some libraries may see Serial format records displaying as eSerial format instead. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue and hopes to have a fix available soon. Most libraries should have the same Borrowing Policy and Lending Policy settings for eSerial and Serial records. But please let us know if your patrons encounter any issues requesting allowable formats or you receive reports of requests for eSerial/Serial formats being rejected and we'll help your library adjust your borrower & lender policies!
- *FIXED February 28th, 2023* February 1st, 2023 -- Configure Request Forms: Staff with permission to re-configure their patron & staff forms cannot currently drag & drop to re-order the forms. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue and hopes to have a fix available soon.
- *FIXED February 2nd, 2023* February 1st, 2023 -- Requests marked for Deletion not disappearing in Midnight Processing: Some libraries have reported that requests they've marked for Deletion using the "Delete" status update are not being sent to trash by the midnight processing script. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue and hopes to have a fix available soon. In the meantime, we recommend libraries mark requests as "Cancel" first before tagging them for deletion to reduce clutter in Request Manager categories that are high-use such as Awaiting Approval, Retry & Unfilled.
- *FIXED January 31st, 2023* ILL Review & Publisher Info: After our latest update the ILL Review feature is not pulling in the Publisher information when you assign a new record to a request. Instead it's just clearning any publisher info inputted from the old record and leaving the Publisher fields blank. We hope that Auto-Graphics will have a fix soon for this issue. In the meantime, Staff will need to manually update the Publisher info on any requests they update via ILL Review.
- *FIXED for Reporting LIBRARIES* My Library Owns Pop-up: Some libraries are reporting that the My Library Owns this item message is popping up during request creation even for records that they do not own or have holdings attached to. The issue has been reported to Auto-Graphics and they've applied a fix that appears to be working for libraries that have reported the issue. Please let us know if your library is still encountering this bug. And impacted libraries can temporarily disable the pop-up when logged in as an Admin under Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Participant Record > Owned by My Library set the "Show Owned By This Library Notification Message" to "No" and click "Submit" and "OK" to save. While deactivated, if you have patron-initiated requesting activated Staff will want to double-check patron requests within Awaiting Approval against a local catalogue to make sure you don't own the item.
- *FIXED November 30th 2022* Availability Display in Merged or Clustered Results: In merged or clustered search results, when staff or patrons click on a result to get the expanded individual listings, those listings will say 0 availability or 1000 copies available. These are both only display issues not impacting lender lists and are both being fixed by Auto-Graphics in the next software update. Please contact us for assistance in the meantime, if you would like to hide Availability display information.
- *FIXED September 26th 2022* Printing Bug in Chrome & Edge: The newest versions of Chrome and Edge have both caused an issue with not being able to print from the print button on the ILL request confirmation page. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix and this bug should be fixed in our next software update. Staff and Patrons can instead use Firefox or Ctrl + P on the keyboard to print the request confirmation screen in the meantime.
- *FIXED September 26th 2022* Lender Due Dates for ISO-Target Libraries: For SHAREit libraries lending to ISO-Target libraries (eg. Relais), the "Due Date" field is being calculated using a Lender's "Days to Return" setting in their Participant Record even if they have a Lending Policy activated that should over-ride the general setting. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix and this bug should be fixed in our next software update. In the meantime, we recommend setting your Days to Return setting to be the same as your "Loan Period (days)" field for Book formats. Please note that this "Loan Period (days)" field should also include shipping sent & returned times according to the Best Practices for SHAREit libraries.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* ISBN ERTI Smart-Build Matching Error: The ERTI Smart-build may acccidentally match records when an ISBN ends in "X" but otherwise is exactly the same as another ISBN. This sometimes results in Lender Codes for non-matching items being accidentally pulled into the Lender List build. In the meantime, if you receive a Lender > Pending request for an item you do not own please reject with "Will not Supply" until this issue is resolved. Please let us know if you continue to encounter issues with the ERTI smart-build.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Filters/Facets Updating: Currently the Facets/Filters updating under Staff Dashboard > UX Admin > Settings > Search and Results > Facets Management does not currently work. When the "Submit Patron/Guest Facets" or "Submit Staff Facets" buttons are clicked instead all facets are auto-checked and no changes are usually saved. In the meantime, if you need to update any of your Patron or Staff facets please contact us for assistance! Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Search Resources Collapsed: Within Pac Admin > Define Resource Headings, libraries can configure which Search Resources/Target sections will be collapsed or expanded by default. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Overdue/Renewal Fix: Requests awaiting a renewal response were requiring Staff to re-request the renewal if the item went to Overdue before the lender responded. Now requests with a renewal awaiting will go to the new Renew/Overdue category for the lender to accept or reject the renewal as usual without Borrower Staff having to make the renewal request again.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Search Result Issues: Searches may hang and not return results when using some Safari or Chrome incognito. And some search results may not display correctly on mobile browsers. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Lender Policy Activation Bug: The Participant Record Lending Policy checkbox for “Use my library's lending policies to determine if my library should receive requests of specific item types.” did not save if the option had never been set for the library before. In the meantime, if you need to activate your Lender Policy contact us for assistance! Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Conditional Request Issues: Requests that updated to Borrower > Conditional status are remaining there until the “Need by date” has passed if the borrower has not accepted or rejected the condition allowing the request to stay with a Lender longer than it's days to respond! In our next software update, requests in Conditional status that are not accepted or rejected by the borrower will move out of that status when either the Borrower’s “Days to Respond” or the “Need by date” passes -- whichever comes first.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Undo Lost Bug: The “Undo Lost” option was only available to Lenders if the Borrower library was the one to move the request into "Lost". In our next software update the "Undo Lost" status change will also be available to Lenders when they have accidentally moved a request to Lost.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Blank Request Form Locate Lenders Bug: The “Locate Lender” button on the Blank ILL Request form is not adding or clearing selected lenders as expected – the Locate Lender search results closed without changes, requiring staff to manually enter library codes.This will be corrected soon on the Returnable form. Auto-Graphics is still working on a fix for the Non-returnable form.
- *FIXED July 13th 2022* Request & Submit Button Issues: The “Submit” button does not display on the request form when using Safari Mojave and the "hand" request icon is not currently working on all Brief Record Displays for Guests. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED March 30th 2022* Patron Mandatory Pickup Locations: The new feature for patron mandatory pickup locations is not currently working as expected. Patrons can still submit requests without being forced to select from the Pickup Location drop-down same as before the update. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix and we'll send out a further update when we have more information!
- *FIXED March 30th 2022* Staff Requests for Serials/Periodicals may Default to Returnable Loan Forms: Staff at some libraries have reported an issue with requests created from Serial/Periodical records incorrectly defaulting to the "Returnable (loan)" form rather than the "Non-returnable (copy)" form to start. Until the issue is resolved, we recommend that Staff manually switch to the correct form type "Non-returnable (copy)" tab before creating any Article requests. Please let us know if your site also receives reports of patrons experiencing this problem as far they appear to be working correctly. Auto-Graphics is working on the bug and we hope they'll have it resolved soon!
- *FIXED March 30th 2022* Awaiting Approval printing "New Requests" batches above 50: Libraries trying to print "New Requests" in their Request Manager > Borrower "Awaiting Approval" section have reported failures of the system to display all new requests since the last time they printed, if they have more than 50 requests in Awaiting Approval. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix for this issue and has a temporary work-around. Please contact us for the work-around steps and assistance!
- *FIXED August 13th 2021* Chrome Version 92.0.4515.107 Issue with Continuation/Confirmation Pop-ups/Buttons: As a result of Chrome Version 92.0.4515.107 not just Auto-Graphics but all users of Chrome have been impacted by a change in the browser. The Chrome upgrade is preventing the continuation dialog box from displaying. For example when clicking Submit on your Participant Record, the “Are you sure you want to make changes?” button does not pop-up to click “OK” and confirm. You can login to SHAREit via another browser, such as Firefox or MS Edge, and access the software that way instead. Or if your Chrome Version was updated and you wish to continue using Chrome please contact us for another work-around that requires access to the RUN dialog box on your computer (by pressing [WIndowsKey + R ]). Auto-Graphics has developed a permanent solution for this issue that will be applied in our next software update. In the meantime please use Firefox or MS Edge as a work-around or contact us for assistance.
- *Partially Fixed June 16th 2021* Searching single Z-Targets: Some libraries have reported issues when searching single Z-targets only instead. Searching just one Z-target (for example "University of Victoria") may result in the search getting "stuck" or returning no results immediately. In the meantime, to see results for your desired Z-target, check-off multiple Z39.50 resources and click on the "Libraries" filter on the left-hand side of your search results to then select to display the linked results for just that one target only. Please contact us if you'd like assistance. Auto-Graphics has applied a fix that appears to have resolved the issue for some targets. Searching some single targets continues to return zero results even though the Z-target is working. Please continue to check-off multiple Z-targets when searching and Filter by Librarie where necessary. Auto-Graphics is continuing to work on resolving the issue that appears related to Z39.50 server time-outs.
- *FIXED June 16th 2021* Downloading Multiple MARC Records: Currently when downloading MARC records from SHAREit, the single record "Download Record" option still appears to work but the multiple record download as a file option is not working at the moment. Records can be added to your cart using the "Add to Download Cart" option but when viewing the cart under your Staff Dashboard > Cat Admin > View Download Cart the records recently added say "Unknown" and are blank when you try to download. Unfortunately Auto-Graphics was not able to restore records recently added to your Download Card that display as "Unknown" as their system was not able to identify what the original record was. Cataloguing Staff will need to delete all records marked as "Unknown" (check-off and use "Remove Selected") from their and re-add the correct records. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any issues with this feature!
- *FIXED June 16th 2021* Printing Pick Lists: When printing a Pick List, the first page was blank (except for header information) and successive pages resulted in errors when the “Go To Record” option (1-25, 26-50, etc.) was changed. Auto-Graphics resolved this issue in our recent software update. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any problems with pick lists.
- *FIXED June 1st 2021* Multi-Copy Bugs: Sometimes lenders from one multi-copy request would be added to the following multi copy request if staff clicked the “stop” lender list build button on the first request. This will be corrected in the June 1st update.
- *FIXED June 1st 2021* Z-Target Mapping: The Live Shelf Status mapping configuration for “Unmapped Source Locations will use” was not correctly displaying unmapped locations and raw location data from an ILS was displaying as the location rather than the specified Library Resource Sharing Name. The search API will be fixed June 1st so the correct label will now display. Please contact us if you'd like your Live Shelf Status Z39.50 mapping updated!
- *FIXED June 2nd 2021* ILL Review: Unfortunately the ILL Review feature was accidentally hidden during our upgrade on Tuesday June 1st and Auto-Graphics is working on restoring the feature and status category within your Request Managers. Auto-Graphics has reassured us that requests with that status are still stored in SHAREit and should be available immediately again once the feature returns.
- *FIXED June 2nd 2021* User Account Updates: Unfortunately updating of user accounts under Staff Dashboard > User Admin > Edit User Accounts is currently unavailable due to some script issues that will hopefully be resolved after the re-boot today.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Live Shelf Status "Presumed Available" Errors: After some of our recent software updates, live shelf status libraries are again reporting a large increase in "Unable to determine availability at [CODE] - presuming available." errors where the live shelf check fails. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this error after April 22nd, 2021. Thank you to BSUR & BSQ who reported the return of this issue that was initially resolved with a fix last year on April 14th 2020!
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Recall Status Update Bugs: Requests in Recall status were not updating to Overdue when the Days to Return had passed. The code has been corrected so Recalled requests will transition to Overdue when the due date has passed.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Mis-Match Bugs: Multiple reports of title/author mismatches on ERTI smart-build lender lists have been resolved. This was traced to a Search API issue in which some records had an incorrect searchid so records were being incorrectly matched (or not matched). The Search API has been modified to correct this problem. Please let us know if you encounter further issues with automatic Lender List builds from "BC Union Catalogue" union database records.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Lender List Builds: The lender list build process has been adjusted to address inconsistencies that could result in libraries not being included even when they had available holdings. We continue to work with Auto-Graphics to resolve issues with lender list build matching from Z-targets (eg. UBC, SFU, UVic & UNBC) records also.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Advanced Search Bugs: In Advanced Search, the “or” was functioning as an “and” operator. This has been corrected in our latest update.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Basic Search Issues: Long search terms (eg. a long Title) in the Basic Search box would result in the "x" (to clear the term) and the magnifying glass (to search) being partially hidden due to overlapping of the search term entered. A long search term will now scroll to the left, so the “X” and magnifying glass will remain visible. This has been corrected in our latest update.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Auto-Deletion of Requests: Requests in some statuses (Awaiting Approval, Not Received, Not Received Overdue, Overdue, Cancel Shipped Request [730 days] and Complete [Days to Delete value]) were not being deleted after the specified time limit. This has been corrected in our latest software update.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Print Issues: Print issues with "Your Lists" include printing of duplicate titles or blank pages. Also when the Pick List configuration was set to print “New Requests Only,” changing the sort order caused the requests to be deleted from the print view so the list could not be printed as a Pick List. These issues have been corrected in our latest software update.
- *FIXED April 21st, 2021* Last Status Change Date: When viewing lists of requests in the Request Manager, one of the column options is “LastStatusChgDate.” The displayed date was using the last time a staff member manually applied a status change. That has been corrected so that the date of the last update, whether manually applied or system applied, will be used and displayed.
- *Partially FIXED January 19th, 2021* Chome 87 and MS Edge Bugs: Recent versions of Google Chrome and Edge introduced a bug on some staff pages that prevented the entire page from loading. This should be temporarily corrected for Chrome in our latest update but please let us know if you continue to encounter any additional issues with supported browsers. If you are currently using MS Edge please swap to another supported browser like Chrome or Firefox until this issue is completely resolved for all browsers.
- *FIXED October 6th, 2020* Patron Minimum Need-by Date: The "Set Minimum Need-by Date" setting within ILL Admin > Participant Record is not currently applying the minimum date restriction selection (eg. 28 days) to guest patron calendars when they submit requests.The patron pick calendar can be de-activated temporarily by selecting "No" for the "Allow patrons to change need-by date" setting until this bug is resolved. Auto-Graphics has resolved this issue.
- *FIXED October 6th, 2020* Current Lender's Note bug on some Requests: For requests that have already been marked as at least "Shipped", staff may be unable to add new notes to the "Current Lender's Notes" field. Auto-Graphics has resolved this issue.
- *FIXED August 4th, 2020* Lender Will Supply/In Process Requests Expiring: Previously when requests were moved to the Will Supply/In Process status by the lender library, there were times when the request would go into Expired status by the time the item reached the borrower. The request no longer appeared as an active request for the lender, creating problems for both borrower and lender workflows. Auto-Graphics has updated the software so requests in Will Supply/In Process will not expire even if the Need By Date passes prior to the lender moving the request to Shipped status. This will allow the request to move through all steps in the ILL workflow. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any issues with Will Supply/In Process expired requests.
- *FIXED August 4th, 2020* "Lost" Status Requests Deleted Prior to Consortial Days to Delete: We've received reports that some requests marked with the status "Lost" are being deleted by the system at less than the current consortial Days to Delete (180 days). Some requests may be deleted at our previous consortial delete setting of 90 days instead. We recommend that libraries do not mark items as Lost in Illume, even if an item has been returned, until they've contacted the other library directly and at least 30 days or more have passed since an item has been marked "Returned". Marking requests as status "Lost" in Illume reduces the status update options available. Auto-Graphics has updated the system so requests marked as "Lost" are deleted after 730 days rather than use the consortial Days to Delete setting. Please let us know if you encounter any additional lost requests that are deleted too soon (eg. at 90 days).
- *FIXED August 4th, 2020* Desktop Delivery "Download Attachments" Runtime Errors - We've received reports that some libraries are encountering Runtime script errors when trying to use the "Download Attachments" option to save articles attached to Non-returnable (Copy) requests using Desktop Delivery. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any issues with downloading attachments.
- *FIXED June 24th, 2020* Blank "Advanced Search" or "Your Favorite Resources": A few libraries have reported that they only see a blank page, when logged in with their Staff account, while viewing the Advanced Search or your account settings "Your Favorite Resources". Auto-Graphics has applied a fix to all V5 accounts with this issue. Please let us know if your account is still encountering any problems!
- *FIXED May 27th, 2020* Owned by My Library: Some libraries have reported that the "Show Owned By This Library Notification Message" feature may not be working for all libraries or all records or displaying in the "Where to Find it" section. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED May 27th, 2020* Permanent Links Missing "Request this Item" Button: When using the "Permanent Link" menu option to create static records links to send to patrons - Guest Patrons & Staff could not view the "Request this Item" button.
- *FIXED May 27th, 2020* "Your Account" Profile Updates not Saving: When updating passwords or information under "Your Account" profile, the information would not save even if your account permissions allowed editing. This isssue should now be fixed. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED May 27th, 2020* Book Jacket Cover Art Not Displaying: Many records have blank cover art. Contact us to activate custom cover art, such as from a Syndetics account, for your Library to improve your display. Auto-Graphics is also working on a fix for this issue. Auto-Graphics has made processing and matching updates to improve the matching and retrieval of cover art within SHAREit. Please let us know if you continue to not see an improvement.
- *FIXED April 14th, 2020*ISBN Matching: Improvements to ISBN matching so 10-character and 13-character ISBNs will now match regardless of which was used to initiate the search will be applied soon. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED April 14th, 2020* Pick List Sort Print Issues: Pick Lists are not keeping the sorted order when printing. Auto-Graphics is adding a new Pick List window with a sort option to resolve this problem. Staff will be able to select a field and choose ascending or decending print order. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED April 14th, 2020* Printer Workstation Set-up Issues: The most recent version of Chrome (v.80) may cause issues when setting up workstation printers with SHAREit V6. At this time, they recommend switching to the Firefox browser if you encounter printing issues. Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
- *FIXED May 27th, 2020* Duplicate Mobile Request Button for Patrons: On Full Record Details only, a duplicate request button saying "I Want It!" is displaying on Mobile browers for patrons. This does not impact requesting by patrons, as both request buttons work, and does not display for logged in Staff. Auto-Graphics is investigating this issue.
- *FIXED March 9th, 2020* Guest Patron Request Limits: Guest patron request limits are not currently working in SHAREit V6. Auto-Graphics knows this is an important feature for our libraries and is working on fixing this issue. We will update this page and the listservs as soon as this bug is resolved. Please let us know if your patrons encounter any additional issues with Guest Request Limits.
- *FIXED March 9th, 2020* Desktop Delivery link bug: The Non-returnable (copy) article "Electronic Attachment" link previously available to patrons when logging into "Guest ILL Tracking" is currently not available. Download links sent automatically to patrons using Patron Notices continue to work. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix for this issue and expect it to be resolved in our next software update on March 9th. More information in our Desktop Delivery guide here:
- *FIXED January 29th, 2020* Borrowing Policy: Currently the new Borrowing Policy does not allow guest patrons to request from eBook or eSerial records even if it is marked as "Y" within their borrowing policy. Auto-Graphics is investigating.
- *FIXED January 29th, 2020* Statistics Reports Issues: Currently some statistical reports are encountering a 404 Not Found and/or 401 or 403 errors when sites try to view them. Auto-Graphics is working on this issue and we hope to have it resolved soon. Additionally, after the latest release the Activity & Response Reports have been updated to allow for larger date ranges to be run. But this has resulted in some bugs (Patron Identifier fields incorrect) and changes (eg. Pickup Location missing) that we've requested Auto-Graphics investigate and resolve as soon as possible. Please let us know if you encounter any additional issues/bugs with Statistics reports!
- *FIXED January 29th, 2020* Download MARC Records: The issue with the MARC "empty file" when Staff tried to download records from SHAREit V6 has been resolved. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any issues with downloading MARC records from Illume.
- *FIXED January 29th, 2020* Overdue Status & Rejected Renewals: Overdue items that were rejected for renewal were going back to the borrower in Overdue status. This has been corrected and they will now go into Rejected Renewal status (as in V5).
- *FIXED January 29th, 2020* Full Record Display Truncation: Some information in the left-sidebar of the Full Record Display was truncated making it difficult to read. This has been improved so more of the "Title" and all of the "Found In" (eg. BC Union Catalogue) information will now display.
- *FIXED November 20th, 2019* ISO Issues with Will not Supply messages - Some ISO partner libraries (eg. SFU & RRU) have reported that the "Will not Supply" messages they're sending from their ILL software (eg. Relais or VDX) are not being received by SHAREit V6. Therefore requests they cannot supply are remaining in the Borrower's Pending until the ISO site's Days to Respond expires and the request moves on to other lenders. Please contact an ISO library if you want to clarify the status of a request languishing in your Pending.
- *FIXED November 20th, 2019* Mobile Issues: A variety of issues are currently occuring for mobile browser users including Entering search terms on mobile does work; but selecting a Title or Author suggestion when performing a basic search on mobile does not recognize the selected search resources. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any issues on mobile.
- *FIXED November 20th, 2019* Diacritics & Special Characters - Auto-Graphics will be implementing a variety of fixes for issues searching for and requesting from records that have diactrics (eg. accent ague) and special characters (eg. plus + signs). A bug impacting ERTI Smart-builds of lender lists from records with special characters should also be fixed in next update. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any of these issues.
- *FIXED November 20th, 2019* "Total Results" Wording: The message displaying at the top of search results has been clarified so it no longer implies there are missing page results.
- *FIXED November 20th, 2019* Quick Links Menu: Quick link menu items have been updated to differentiate between Borrower or Lender actions. Check-out our Quick Links guide for information on updating your menu.
- *FIXED November 20th, 2019* Request This Item "hand icon" button - The request icon shortcut is currently not working for guest patrons on the secondary record results screen after using the Merged or Clustered view. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue. We recommend patrons use the Request this Item button on the Full Details or initial results screen. Staff can also update the patron view to "No Grouping" to show a working shortcut on the non-merged/clustered search results. The non-functional request button has been removed to avoid confusion.
- *FIXED November 6th, 2019*"Pickup Location Options" field not displaying: After the November 5th software update, some libraries may not have the "Pickup Location Options" field activated for Patrons or Staff. Requests that were created prior to the update still maintain the pickup locations chosen previously. Auto-Graphics is working on an urgent fix for this critical issue and applied it this afternoon already. Requests created by Staff or Patrons this morning may need the Pickup Location manually updated.
- *FIXED November 5th, 2019* Non-returnable (copy) Form Mandatory Article Date: Previously in V5, just the Year field was mandatory in the Article Date for Non-returnable (copy) forms. Currently in V6 all three (3) fields (Year, Month & Day) are mandatory. Auto-Graphics hopes to apply a working fix in the next scheduled software update on November 4th.
- *FIXED November 5th, 2019* Participant Record: ILL Pickup Locations: ILL Pickup Locations can now be edited/updated without affecting current, open requests. For example updating a Branch Name to say "Closed" or adding or deleting a branch.
- *FIXED November 5th, 2019* Mobile Issues: A variety of issues are currently occuring for mobile browser users including the Staff Function "Modify Existing Request" (only works when logged in as Staff) and "Download Record" option displaying.
- *FIXED October 23rd, 2019* Request Type Error - When staff swap a request type from "Returnable (loan)" to “Non-returnable (copy)” during request creation, the request type reverts to "Returnable (loan)" within the Request Manager. The non-returnable Article field data is not lost and can be displayed again by swapping to "Non-returnable (copy)" within Awaiting Approval. Auto-Graphics is expected to have a fix for this issue in our next update.
- *FIXED October 23rd, 2019* ISBN Searches - The ISBN search index currently has issues searching ISBN fields for both 10 & 13 character ISBNs. Auto-Graphics is expected to have a fix for this issue in our next update.
- *FIXED October 23rd, 2019* Disclaimer Notice - Some libraries may not see their Disclaimer Notice, activated in Participant Record, displayed on forms. Please let us know if you continue to see any issues with your notices after the fix.
- *FIXED October 23rd, 2019* Publisher Facet - Currently the publisher facet/filter (left-hand side of results) displays the Place (eg. Toronto) or Year information rather than the Publisher Name. Auto-Graphics is expected to have a fix for this issue in our next update.
- *FIXED October 9th, 2019* Archival Mixed Materials Bug - All new requests are being created with the "Archival Mixed Materials" format, even if they are books or dvds Auto-Graphics has been notified and applied a temporary fix. Please let us know if any of your requests are still being created with the wrong material type after October 9th!
- *FIXED October 9th, 2019* Pick Calendar Issues: The Need-by pick calendar when creating a request is not currently available for logged in Staff or guest patrons (where libraries have allowed them to use it within their Participant Record). Staff can instead update the calendar/date from the request in Awaiting Approval before sending it to lenders. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue.
- *FIXED October 9th, 2019* Mobile Browser Page View Permissions: The ILL Staff Page "Illume Support" was visible on mobile browsers to guest patrons. Information on this page is also publicly available on the internet but the link should be hidden unless logged in.
- *FIXED July 31st, 2019* Browser Compatiblity: We've received reports that many versions of Firefox (v.44, v.52, v.61 & v.62) that should be supported according to Auto-Graphics, are currently showing errors when requests are submitted (spinning wheel and requests don't submit). Auto-Graphics has investigated the problem and they believe they'll have a fix soon, but in the meantime we recommend updating your Firefox to at least v.66 or using Chrome is possible. Please check-out the chart from A-G to see if your browser should be compatible with SHAREit V6. Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.
- *FIXED July 31st, 2019* Blank Request Form Copies Field: The "Number of Copies Needed: (over 1 creates multiple requests)" field should not exist on a Blank Request Form. Auto-Graphics is working on correcting this issue soon!
- *FIXED July 31st, 2019* Article Month/Day Stuck: The Article Month/Day gets stuck on "Fall" and "31" no matter what date is chosen.
- *FIXED July 31st, 2019* Your List" icon (screenshot below): is occasionally showing on the guest patron screens. This is just a graphical user interface glitch, as saving items to a list is not activated for guest patrons at this time. Clicking the list shows the empty list pop-up. The Auto-Graphics Development Team is working on a fix for this issue.
- *FIXED* Search Indexing - Some searches for known records/items may currently fail due a partial failure of the indexing of our union database. Auto-Graphics is working on the issue and we hope the database will be completely re-indexed again very soon!
- *FIXED* Union Database Updates: Your recent record uploads have not yet been loaded to the union databases due to an issue with the V6 import bibtool. Auto-Graphics is workring on the issue and the backlog of uploaded records will be loaded once the script is fixed. The ShareFile is currently unavailable and we will update the listservs when it's available again.
Please let us know if you encounter the bugs above re-occurring or any additional bugs or issues with the software or have any questions!