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Requests for Items for Print Disabled Patrons

Under the BC Interlibrary Loan Code, libraries are able to share "talking books." Talking books are understood to mean formats that support patrons with print impairments or disabilities. These formats include DAISYs, MP3s, and Audiobook discs and cassettes. Print impaired customers that are registered with their local libraries can request items through interlibrary loan. Some items can be sent for free under the Literature for the Blind service offered by Canada Post.

There are 2 major collections to search for talking books: the Public Library InterLINK Audiobooks Collection and Illume.

How to Request Talking Books from InterLINK Libraries

  1. If you are an InterLINK library, follow the instructions available here:
  2. If you are NOT an InterLINK library, there is a different process for borrowing talking books from the InterLINK audiobook collection. These materials are restricted to patrons registered with their local public library who require the alternate formats due to a visual, physical, or other perceptual disability (EG. a learning disability) that prevents them from reading print:
    1. First search the InterLINK Audiobooks collection (or Download a searchable catalogue) and include the desired Media format.
    2. If you find the item in the desired format in the InterLINK catalogue, perform a second search in Illume for the same item. InterLINK uploads their records to the BC Union Catalogue. Once you've located the item, click on the Request This Item button to display the ILL request form.

      Please Note: Some libraries have AudioBooks as a Scoping option (under Narrow Your Search & Formats) in Advanced Search. If your library has this option, use Advanced Search and add "AudioBooks" in Scoping to the search strategy.
    3. Illume ILL & Request Form: Complete the Illume ILL Request Form as usual except for the Lender List. In the Lender List field, make sure the InterLINK library code BBGV is the only code entered. If any other lender codes are listed, delete them manually before submitting the request as approved. 

      For example: BBGV, 4, Call number (optional)

      In "Borrower's Notes" add: (1) For patron with print disability, and (2) media format required (e.g., audiobook, DAISY, MP3, etc.). The request will go directly to InterLINK.

      Please Note: With ERTI functionality turned on, libraries will not be able to edit the Lender List until the request enters the Awaiting Approval status. If your library has Automatic Approval turned on, which causes requests to bypass the Awaiting Approval status, you will have to submit the request via Blank ILL Request form or update your account to remove the Automatic Approval permission.
    4. When you receive the requested item, make sure you change the status of the request in Illume to "Received."
    5. The item will be labelled with the lending library's address: when you return the item, it will be sent directly to the lending InterLINK library.
    6. Renewals: There are no renewals of InterLINK alternate media format items.

How to Borrow Talking Books from Other Public Libraries

The Libraries and Literacy Branch (LLB) DAISY Book Collection is in the SITKA catalogue. BC public library staff may request these DAISY books for their print-disabled patrons.

  1. Search the SITKA catalogue and limit your results to the desired format. Once you've found the item that you're looking for, make a note of the location(s) where the item is held. Alternatively, if you already know the author, title, and location of the item, you can skip directly to Step 2.
  2. Once you know what item you would like to request, login to Illume. Click on the ILL Admin tab > Blank Request Form in the left-hand menu.
  3. Fill in the talking book's Title and Author. In the "Borrower's Notes" add: send LLB DAISY book (or audiobook, CD, etc.) for our print-impaired patron.
  4. In the Lender List, add the SHAREit code of the library that owns the item. For example, to send the request to Okanagan Regional Library, in the Lender List add BKO, (with the comma). A full list of library SHAREit codes is available here.
  5. Fill in the rest of the form as usual and then click Submit.

Please Note: Requests created from Blank Request forms will skip any lending policies and live shelf checks (except for BNVI) that may normally deflect requests for talking book formats. The Blank Request Form can also be setup as an easily accessible tab along the top. Click on the Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin tab > Participant Record in the left-hand menu. Scroll down to the “Show Blank ILL Form” line and select the box for Staff. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

Sending DAISYs and Other AudioBooks in the Mail

Canada Post allows literature for the blind to be sent free of charge.

From the Canada Post website: Literature for the Blind is a service offered by Canada Post allowing specific items used by blind persons to be mailed free of postage.

  • Literature for the Blind items must bear a label or the words "LITERATURE FOR THE BLIND" in the upper right-hand corner on the address side of the item (by means of marking, printing or labelling).
  • Please Note: Materials for other print-disabled patrons who are not blind are mailed at regular Canada Post rates.
  • Other materials, such as DVDs and Books on CD, can now also be sent at the regular Library Rate.